Unable to register for PCLSA v8.6 in Pearson due to prerequistes issue
I am unable to register for PCLSA v8.6 in Pearson as it errors saying prerequisite exam needs to be taken. I have recently passed CPSSA V8.8, and I believe prerequisite for CLSA was having CSSA in any version. I have tried reaching out to Pearson Vue, as well sent emails to [email protected] but still the problem persists.
Pearson Vue says I am missing the prerequisite. Pega certification support says to look up the FAQ's on prerequisites, and I also get a standard email saying they are not able to find certification with my email. I can look it up just fine from pega community portal.
Am I missing anything? Is there any other prerequisite that is needed? I dont have multiple accounts in Pearson Vue. I am able to login with my registered email, and look up all my previous certifications.
Any thoughts or help on this is greatly appreciated.
***Edited by Moderator Marije to change type from Product to Pega Academy***