Unable to find the link to download the exercise system for UI specialist
I am unable to find the link to download the exercise system for UI specialist.
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I am unable to find the link to download the exercise system for UI specialist.
We resolved this issue for you today. Please see the lesson titled Downloading the Exercise System.
let us know how you get along.
Thanks a lot Eddie..For resolving the issue so soon.
I downloaded the latest VM linked in the Downloading the Exercise System lesson. The file is entitled "UX_718_VM_20160708.ova" and while I was able to import the system and run it successfully, when I attempt the exercise, I see nothing under the Cases for "Booking" as is indicated in the "Using the Form Builder.pdf" document found in the Using the Form Builder lesson. Perhaps this VM does not have the requisite cases added to match the training? Please advise.
Thank you!
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