Unable to Create and View Case ID after Customizing Cosmos UI
Currently we have a requirement to update user portal as per company guidelines. For that we had to customize most of the UI and harness from User Portal. Basically the requirement was to remove the default screen layout from left pane view and just keep portal header and content with clickable link to create case/open case/dashboard etc.
I m facing issue while progressing after new case page does not move forward. keeps loading after entering all fields and click on submit. Also open/view exiting case id using “open work by handle” from section action is not working.
Can you please suggest me how to progress if I have to customize cosmos UI components to achieve this?
Basically client don’t want to see OOTB portal They just want one portal with horizontal header where they can see 3 options.
1. To create case 2. Open case vis report3. To see dashboard charts
I created a header and on click of each link, I am calling ajax container which is configured under user portal to show harness. I customized harness pyCreate, Perform, Review and kept in work class. Also I am using ajax container to display each harness based on click from portal header.
Is that correct approach?