
Last activity: 16 Sep 2020 22:34 EDT
Unable to connect to LDAP server from Pega V8.2.1
I did install OpenLDAP server and I am successful in connecting to LDAP server (localhost:389). After that, I have done the config setup in Pega PE to connect to LDAP using an external user:Seri9 in the LDAP Done the necessary settings as per PDN articles and all. I was successful in testing the connectivity from PRWebLDAP2 auth service. Model user was created and matched with LDAP user. External auth checkbox from operator was also taken care. After logging into http://localhost:8082/prweb/PRWebLDAP2 using Seri9/Seri9, I see an err on the login screen as "The information you entered was not recognized." Checked the logs and found an LDAP error code:34 - invalid DN. Attached all the necessary screenshots for your info. Please check and let me know where I went wrong in the settings from Pega side. I hope this err is from Pega side.
Ravi Kumar Pisupati.