
Virtusa Polaris
Last activity: 5 Nov 2018 7:37 EST
UI Kit 10 in 7.2.2
Is it possible to use the ui kit 10.0 with the 7.2.2 version? If so, can you please provide the instructions to upgrade the ui kit.
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Pegasystems Inc.
The simple answer to stay out of any kind of future trouble is No. We would not recommend taking any rules from a future new version of Pega and move/import into an older version to avoid any incompatibility issues. It is best to stay with the recommended product stack to ensure continued Product Support from Pega.
If there is a specific feature of UI Kit 10 that you'd like to use in 7.2.2, let us know and we can check if there is a possibility of delivering the same functionality into 7.2.2.

Virtusa Polaris
Thanks, Sunny. Yes, I am interested in the latest multi-select component which is much better than moving from list to list selection. Is there a way to bring into 7.2.2.
Venkata Chalapathi Janapati

Pegasystems Inc.
My guess is that the answer is unfortunately No, but I'm going to check with some folks in Engineering and let you know. Thanks.

Pegasystems Inc.
The multi-select was built in Pega 7.3.1. Using a newer version of uikit won't get you that feature as that feature is built into our core Pega platform. I just spent a few minutes digging around in our platform and it looks like, with all the rules involved, it would be a lot of work to backport that feature to 7.2.2
I'd recommend using the list to list control until it's time for you to upgrade to a newer release.

MacQuarie Group Ltd
Hi Meghan,
I wonder if there is a simpler way to include below function(provided by UIKit 10 released along with Pega 7.3.1) in Pega 7.3.0 (without updating to 7.3.1).

Pegasystems Inc.
Yes, we can achieve the navigation capabilities with the following steps.
- Copy and add pyAutoCollapseLists section to the Left panel section.(Refer pyPortalNavInner)
- From py-responsive-overrides css, copy the css with the selector “collapse-nav-auto” and with the media queries and paste it in the application css.
- Add the “collapse-nav-auto” class name to screen layout in parent harness(Refer pyCaseManager7). Also make sure that screen layout uses the Optimized code(Flexbox) .
Note: Once these changes has been overwritten in the application level, the team should take care of maintaining it.