HFix-28041 for pega 7.2.2
I have the following problem: when I trying to add a new join in my repo, it falls with "One of the join conditions involving the following unoptimized property is not allowed, since it can severely degrade performance"
I find out that there exists hotfix https://community.pega.com/support/support-articles/error-occurs-when-join-and-sub-report-use-unoptimized-property but it for 7.1.9 (I am using 7.2.2) is there another HFix for 7.2.2 or it appears not because of that defect in pega?
(my join looks like Product.ValueId = .ProductList.Product(1).ExtIdGroup.ExtId(MdmProd).Id, I`l try use declare index here, but also want to be sure that problem not fixed by HFix in 7.2.2)
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