
Citi Group
Last activity: 27 Jul 2017 5:47 EDT
Tree grid with checkboxes in Pega 7.1.9
I have a UI requirement that allow user to free select division, unit, and workgroup.
i.e., under a company, there is division 1, 2, 3, etc, and under each division, there is unit 1, 2, 3, etc, and under each unit, there is workgroup 1, 2, 3 etc.
The requirement is there should be checkboxes under each layer, so when user check division one, all units/workgroups under division one will be selected, and if user drill down to unit1, and check the checkbox on unit1, then all workgroups under the unit1 will be selected, etc.
Appears tree grid is best suited for this, but it doesn’t have the checkboxes and I couldn’t find any OOTB setting that allow me to put it in there. wonder what's the best way to approach this.
Thanks in advance.
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Accepted Solution

Hi Hao,
I am not aware of any OOTB feature/control which can achieve this automatically. The approach you outlined is the same one I also envision.
OnClick event for the checkbox
Fire an activity/data transform to recursively toggle the child checkboxes

Citicorp Services India Private Limited
Hi Hao,
If I understand your requirement correctly, you can use defer load activity to browse the respective groups and display in the tree grid UI .
Please let me know if this helps.

Citi Group
Hi Gowrishankar,
Thanks for the reply. But my question is not about how to load the data to improvement performance. I am asking how to insert checkbox in every repeating rows in every layer of the tree grid and control the checkbox behavior.
Here is the scenario: A company has multiple divisions, and each division has one or multiple units, and each unit has one or multiple workgroups. Tree/tree grid is best suited to present this structure. The tricky part is we need checkbox for all rows in all layers (division, unit, and workgroup): select/deselect at division level will select/deselect all units/workgroups under the division, and select/deselect at unit level will select/deselect all workgroups under the unit. I couldn't find anything OOTB settings that can achieve this. The only way I can think of is add this checkbox property in each layer, and at click, refresh the layout and call an activity to set correspondent checkbox properties. Since this kind of multi-select behavior is not rare in real life UI behavior design. Was wondering if there is better way to achieve this.
Appreciate the help,
Accepted Solution

Hi Hao,
I am not aware of any OOTB feature/control which can achieve this automatically. The approach you outlined is the same one I also envision.
OnClick event for the checkbox
Fire an activity/data transform to recursively toggle the child checkboxes

Citi Group
Thanks much Hean. That will do. Sorry for the later reply.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Hao,
Presently we do not have any OOTB support for this, We have drill down and drill up presently implemented in Treegrid. If I can know the exact usecase for providing the checkbox, we can debate on including the feature.
After selecting the checkbox are you planning to include any actions for the selected values?

Hi Hao,
Please let me if you got any OOTB feature for including checkboxes in Treegrid .
IF i replaced repeat grid with checkboxes to REpeatgrid with checkboxes some UI alignment is going wrong .
Is there any approch for implementing this.?

This is achieved by making changes in Treegrid skin rule .,