
Last activity: 29 Aug 2018 1:39 EDT
Track security changes of Proposition Filters
I am trying to use the field level auditing capability of Pega to track any changes made to proposition filter rules.
Thus far I have created the TrackSecurityChanges declare trigger and the pyTrackSecurityChanges data transform in the Rule-Decision-PropositionFilter class. The property I'm tracking here is: .pyDataRows(1).pyFilterCondition.pyWhenLogics(1).
Now what I need to see in the audit note is the proposition name (.pyDataRows(1).pyName) along with any changes made to the property (page-list) being tracked. This is to track the changes made to the conditions for any given proposition.
The changes to the when conditions are tracked as expected. However, I'm not sure how to include the proposition name to the audit entry. Is there a way to accomplish this?
Thanks in advance.