
Last activity: 7 Oct 2021 12:29 EDT
is there a way to send push notifications with enriched (html) content from NBA?
We have a Business requirement to create outbound campaings sending push notifications. The challenge is that Business want the notification content to be enriched (image, formatted text, link, action...)
Is there a way to define push notification content so the Business requirements are fulfilled? I've been through documentation but I wasn't able to find anything about this.
Current situation:
- We are using Pega Marketing 8.4 for NBA Inbound/Outbound call center channel.
- Customer has a mobile app (not a Pega one) where push notifications are send.
- Customer (Business Marketing departmen) uses a tool (wisiwyg) where they define and launch outbound push campaigns
- Defines the audience (this is done by adding a file with audience)
- Define notifications using rich interface (formated text, links to open de app, images, videos etc)
- When to launch the campaign and lifetime
Business goal:
- Use Pega Marketing to create outboun campaigns sending push notitications to their mobile app (no Pega mobile app), with rich content ((formated text, links to open de app, images, videos etc) and getting feedback related to what has been done with this notification (ignored, open, click on link or action...)
Thanks in advance.
Juana María