
Tech Mahindra
Last activity: 25 Mar 2020 1:51 EDT
Is there a way to hide Agile Workbench on Case manager portal for particular acceess role
Is there a way to hide Agile Workbench on Case manager portal for particular acceess role.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****
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Istvan Szepkuti -
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
You can set access as desired for these privileges:
- pxAgileWorkbench
- pxAgileWorkbenchItemModify
- pxAgileWorkbenchItemReadOnly
The manager role for my test application had pxAgileWorkbenchItemModify and pxAgileWorkbenchItemReadOnly specified for the classes below. I set the access to 0 and the Agile Workbench bar no longer appeared.
- Pega-Agile-Work-Bug
- Pega-Agile-Work-Feedback
- Pega-Agile-Work-UserStory

Pegasystems Inc.
On my 7.4 system, I see it is based on a pyEnableAgileWorkbench when condition so you can check the when rule for the conditions. I see there are a few privileges checked so you can review those and add/remove them to the desired access roles.

Pegasystems Inc.
Sorry, I was looking at Designer Studio. I will check my Case Manager portal also.
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
You can set access as desired for these privileges:
- pxAgileWorkbench
- pxAgileWorkbenchItemModify
- pxAgileWorkbenchItemReadOnly
The manager role for my test application had pxAgileWorkbenchItemModify and pxAgileWorkbenchItemReadOnly specified for the classes below. I set the access to 0 and the Agile Workbench bar no longer appeared.
- Pega-Agile-Work-Bug
- Pega-Agile-Work-Feedback
- Pega-Agile-Work-UserStory
Meena Subramanian Istvan Szepkuti

Tech Mahindra
Hi Carissa,
I updated my role with those privileges like you suggested but still am getting Agile workbench as a movable control on bottom of the left nav.

Tech Mahindra
The solution you provided is worked for me.
Thank you.

Hexaware Technologies Ltd
Could you please add the step by step procedure screenshot. So that it will be easy for us to fix.
Early response will be great.
Sornalatha R

Coforge Ltd
You can simply modify the OOTB when rule "pyEnableAgileWorkbench" according to your requirement .
Example: Add one more AND condition to the existing when rule logic.
pxRequestor.OperatorID.pyAccessGroup != "Your accessgroup name"
Update pages and classes tab as below:
Page name: pxRequestor.OperatorID class:Code-Pega-Requestor
SORNALATHA R Steve Youles Tom Zhang Aditya Kumar Gupta Kiranmai Bhavani and 3 More

Hexaware Technologies Ltd
Thank you. I got the solution and it was helpful
Sornalatha R