Is there a way to get a fixed URL for a Pega Knowledge 7.22 article?
When using Pega Knowledge 7.22 is there a way to get a URL for an individual knowledge article?
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When using Pega Knowledge 7.22 is there a way to get a URL for an individual knowledge article?
Below link refers to all Pega Knowledge version documents (Release Notes, Installation Guide, User Guide, etc...).
When you say "knowledge article", do you mean "Support Article"?
For Support Article, there is no specific link which points to all "Knowledge" related articles.
In Pega PDN, you can do a search based on the key words to get articles you need.
This question is not about PDN articles. It has been asked on behalf of a customer implementing Pega Knowledge. They are looking for a way for a Pega Knowledge user to send a URL to a read only view of a Pega Knowledge case to a non-Pega user.
Pega Knowledge 7.31 (coming this Fall!) will provide an OOTB feature that allows referencing other articles "within" an article. The end user, such as a Pega Customer Service CSR, would simply click on the referenced article link (title), and the referenced article will be displayed in a separate browser window.
The authoring portal will provide an easy way to search and identify the articles they want to reference.
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