
Last activity: 23 Jun 2020 9:53 EDT
Is there any OOTB Pega function to convert any valid date to MM/DD/YYY
I have a requirement where I can get the date in below format, I will not be knowing in what format I have the input . Irrespective of what ever format comes in , it needs to be converted to MM/DD/YYYY.
Is there any way/ OOTB Pega function to covert any date into MM/DD/YYYY without knowing the input format?
If date of birth comes as MM-DD-YYYY If date of birth comes as MMDDYYYY If date of birth comes as MM.DD.YYYY If date of birth comes as MMDDYYYY If date of birth comes as YYYY/MM/DD If date of birth comes as YYYY-MM-DD If date of birth comes as YYYYMMDD If date of birth comes as YYYY.MM.DD
***Edited by Moderator: Pallavi to update platform capability tags***