Is there any Content Size limitations while reading PDF Stream of 10 MB from external system in 6.1 SP2
We are using Connect HTTP serivce to consume the PDF stream content frome external system, the PDF stream size would vary from document to document and at max we will receive of 10 MB size from external system
when we do the POC in PEGA 6.1 SP2 , We are able to get the content and able to view the files upto size approximately of 5 MB , In few scenario's we would get more than 5 MB SIZe, and when we tried to consume the pdf content of more than 5 MB size, Our PEGA system is getting struck/hang and not able to see any thing and system goes non responsive.
So our question is what would be permissible size contents will be allowed in PEGA ,till how much size we can consume in 6.1 SP2 with out impacting the system performance.
Appreciate quick response on this.
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