
GE Healthcare
Last activity: 29 Dec 2022 11:42 EST
Syntax to pass parameters to field value while calling from Label value
Hello guys,
I have a field value which have parameters and when I am calling this field value in label value of cell properties it is not expecting parameters to give.
Is there any syntax so that we can pass parameters to this field value rule?
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Could you try in field value as Amount {.PropertyName} and see if it works.

GE Healthcare
@SanthoshRanga Thanks for the response,
My property is in different context, So I have to store it in some param and need to refer that param

Blue Rose Technologies
I think you can not pass parameter in the label.
But what you can try is you need the value from a different context in the field value then you can create a dummy property and set the data in this property before the label is shown and then use this property in the field value.
For ex: below is my translate to value Translated value {.pyID}
where .pyID can be any property you want.

GE Healthcare
@VikashK99 Thanks for the response, Yeah, we can do that. But I have Currency in Parent page already and why to have it again on child page.
Field value is not getting the value from parent context also :(
Updated: 7 Jul 2022 4:06 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
@RameshReddyB7489 Could you please share the solution if you found it? This will help other users on Pega Support Center.
Thank you!

GE Healthcare
@PoojaGadige No, not found so far

Blue Rose Technologies
In that case you should be able to use the property directly without any page reference or without puting it into Parameter page.
In my example i have used .pyID as a parameter in the field value which is saved in the class inside work class. So the scenario is same i am using parent class property in child class field value.

GE Healthcare
@VikashK99 I'm not sure how it worked for you. But in my case field value in child page context is not taking value from Parent page.

Blue Rose Technologies
Can you share the class of the field value and the class of the property and the inheritance between them with screenshot.
Also the class of the section where this field value is being used.
Updated: 7 Jul 2022 4:52 EDT

Try mentioning field value in the Value and then it prompts for Parameter -> 1 in below scenario

GE Healthcare
@SwarnaThota Thanks for the response, This is different, your passing the field value as a content/Value to the property.
In my case I need to have field value with parameter for Label Value.

@RameshReddyB7489 Please refer to the link below. Might be helpful.