How to pass DateTime Parameter values to Bix extract when called from pxExtractDataWithArgs activity
I have a wrapper activity which is calling the pxExtractDataWithArgs activity. This wrapper activity is executed via Pega Agent rule. I would like to pass two parameters. A start datetime, and an endDate time using the pxCreateDateTime property.
So for example, if we want our bix extract to run for a specific date range, we would manually execute the wrapper activity and pass in a start datetime, and end datetime value on the run rule form.
On the Extract rule form, Filter Criteria tab we have two conditions. 1. .pxCreateDateTime is greater than or equal to Param.StartDateTime. 2. pxCreateDateTime is Less than or equal to Param.EndDateTime.
How can we pass those 2 parameter values from the calling wrapper activity when it calls pxExtractDataWithArgs?
Thank you
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to update platform capability***