Substitute to Tab Group - Cannot achieve Tab with Ajax when opening from another Tab
Hi all,
would you be able to help in what is the substitute or a way to implement using Ajax container to achieve same thing as with Tab group from Pega 7.2 version.
We are in version 8.7 and still using Tab Group as no other solution was yet found.
We are able to use the Ajax container for opening tabs from the Navigation panel (links such as Dashboard, Reports, etc.)+ new Cases and all works well
However when trying to open specific report from opened tab Reports, it goes all wrong and it does not open correctly, or at all.
How do you achieve the specific report opening in separate tab with a name as it was in Tab Group?
Adding attachments to show what happens (ReportTab shows correctly opening report tab from navigation panel, and ReportTabSpecific is when trying to open one selected report.)
Thank you.
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add existing enhancement request FDBK-72391 ***