
Step Page— Invalid expression or reference: When used with a "For Each Embedded Page" option, the Step page should reference a lis
Getting the below error when trying to loop through a page list property pyworkpage in activity. Below is the screenshot of activity and on clipboard.
Gone through all the related links on PDN but non really helped.
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Just to confirm as we can't see the last part of step page in screenshot - is the step page given as pyWorkPage.BackUppage.ClaimDetailsFNPClaims.pxResults? Also could you please share screenshot of Pages&Classes tab?

Modified step page to pyWorkPage.BackUppage.ClaimDetailsFNPClaims.pxResults amd its saved.
Which class should i mention in code-pega-list class in pages and classes?

Just asked screenshot of Pages&Classes just to make sure nothing wrong there (if already step page had .pxResults). I think you can test and confirm it should be working.

modified step page and added pxresults at the end
Now changed step page as in below picture. It saved
But when i run the activity getting different error
The reference .BackUppage.ClaimDetailsFNPClaims.pxResults is not valid. Reason: list property 'ClaimDetailsFNPClaims' must have an index |

Could you please send screenshot of Pages&Classes how it was before adding pxResults at the end.

Could you please try as below,
1. In Pages&Classes keep only pyWorkPage and remove pyWorkPage.BackUppage and pyWorkPage.BackUppage.ClaimDetailsFNPClaims. After that in Step1 try without pxResults. I think this should work.
2. Only if #1 not working you can give pyWorkPage.BackUppage.ClaimDetailsFNPClaims as Code-Pega-List. In this case also try step 1 without pxResults.

Is there pxResults inside the pagelist "ClaimDetailsFNPClaims". Are you trying to loop ClaimDetailsFNPClaims and inside it pxResults? Or do you want to loop only ClaimDetailsFNPClaims pagelist?

I dont have pxresults
Sorry I did not mention that iam looping only ClaimDetailsFNPClaims

Can you try with a first activity where the primary page will be pyWorkPage.BackUppage and then on a second activity just loop on ClaimDetails