
Cognizant Technology Solutions
Last activity: 29 Jul 2016 9:41 EDT
Looping Through "For Each Embedded page" - Not Working
Hi All,
I have Property which is defined as Page List and It is available as pyWorkPage.LoopPage.
I am trying to loop through this Page(pyWorkPage.LoopPage) using "For Each Embedded Page" in the activity and the system is throwing the error "Step Page:Invalid expression or reference: When used with a "For Each Embedded Page" option, the Step page should reference a list or group property"
Is this a PEGA bug or backward compatablity issue? Since I have used this multiple times in lower versions of PEGA.
PEGA Version : 7.1.8
Any Help is appericiated.
***Updated by Moderator: Vidyaranjan. Removed user added Ask the Expert tag. Apologies for confusion, shouldn't have been an end-user option***
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Could you verify the step page would be something similar to MyStepPage.pxResults ? Then it should accept the step page.
In pages&Classes
MyStepPage -> Code-Pega-List
MyStepPage.pxResults -> Work class
If not, please post your screenshots of configuration.

Cognizant Technology Solutions
Hi Gangababu,
No I do not have MyStepPage.pxResults. I have it in the below format
pyWorkpage.MyStepPage and inside this i have the following structure
Basically I am building that Pagelist using <APPEND> in Property-Set

Please share the Pages & Classes tab of the scenario.
What is pyWorkPage, pyWorkPage.MyStepPage Context?

Cognizant Technology Solutions
Hi Gangababu,
My Pages are defined as below
pyWorkPage as $ANY
pyWorkPage.MyStepPage as Company-FW-App-Data-ClassName
I am not getting this error if I define the pyWorkPage with any valid Class Name as "Company-FW-App-Work-Case
Cant we use $ANY in this scenario?

Blue Rose Technologies GmbH
If you use $ANY then the class will be resolved during run time. But during desing how can we validate MyStepPage property.
If you really want to use $ANY then you can create a pagelist property in @baseclass and try the same exercise.

Cognizant Technology Solutions
Tried creating the Property in @baseclass as well and checked it. Still the same error. Any other solution? And Yes i Want to have pyWorkPage as $ANY

Please refer
It contains information on using $any in PRPC7.1.8 .
Hope this helps!

Cognizant Technology Solutions
Eventhough This article helps in solving the $ANY page changes , For my issue I will not be able to use since I dont have MyStepPage.pxResults() structure.

In 6.3 sp1 can any give a min info how section,flow,activity and property come into
build in sequence which step come,if any plz

Pegasystems Inc.
Can you please share the screenshot of ClipBoard Viewer for this page and embedded pages?

Virtusa IT Consulting
I believe LoopPage is a pagelist here, so did you try an expression like this to get the current index
pyWorkPage.LoopPage(<current>) ?

Pegasystems Inc.
HI Srinivas,
Have you mentioned pyWorkPage in Pages & Classes ?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Srinivas,
As you have mentioned $Any works fine in previous versions of PRPC
Mentioning $Any in pages and classes tab,is not supported post upgrade.There are some extra validations enforced on $Any that is resulting in failure while you try to save an activity with the $Any configuration.
Hence as already mentioned,Please refer below PDN link to identify how to fix this.