Invalid expression or reference: line 1:136 missing ')' at '<EOF>'
I am working on a pega version upgrade from Pega 7.1.9 to Pega 8.5.3.
Since the application upgrade, most of the activities and data transforms configured with a property reference using the following syntax: D_DataPage[.Property]; needed to be switched to the following syntax: D_DataPage[Parameter:Page.Property] in order to match the Pega 8 standards. That edit used to work fine.
But this time, I faced a property reference in a function Here is the initial error message: .pySteps(8).pySteps(19).pyParamArray(1).PropertiesValue— Invalid expression or reference: error: both the name and value must be provided for parameters to the data page.
Here is the step 8: Loop > For each embedded page | Step page > pyReportContentPage.pxResults
Here is the first line of step 8.13 (Property-Set) PropertiesName > .CategoryAttachment PropertiesValue > @if(D_AddBeneficiaryORPER[.ProvisoryIdentifier].OUT.Erreur.ErrNum=="999","Erreur traitement ORPER","Attente traitement"
After my edit, here is what the Step 8.13 became: PropertiesName > .CategoryAttachment PropertiesValue > @if(D_AddBeneficiaryORPER[MsgKey:Primary.ProvisoryIdentifier].OUT.Erreur.ErrNum=="999","Erreur traitement ORPER","Attente traitement"
I am working on a pega version upgrade from Pega 7.1.9 to Pega 8.5.3.
Since the application upgrade, most of the activities and data transforms configured with a property reference using the following syntax: D_DataPage[.Property]; needed to be switched to the following syntax: D_DataPage[Parameter:Page.Property] in order to match the Pega 8 standards. That edit used to work fine.
But this time, I faced a property reference in a function Here is the initial error message: .pySteps(8).pySteps(19).pyParamArray(1).PropertiesValue— Invalid expression or reference: error: both the name and value must be provided for parameters to the data page.
Here is the step 8: Loop > For each embedded page | Step page > pyReportContentPage.pxResults
Here is the first line of step 8.13 (Property-Set) PropertiesName > .CategoryAttachment PropertiesValue > @if(D_AddBeneficiaryORPER[.ProvisoryIdentifier].OUT.Erreur.ErrNum=="999","Erreur traitement ORPER","Attente traitement"
After my edit, here is what the Step 8.13 became: PropertiesName > .CategoryAttachment PropertiesValue > @if(D_AddBeneficiaryORPER[MsgKey:Primary.ProvisoryIdentifier].OUT.Erreur.ErrNum=="999","Erreur traitement ORPER","Attente traitement"
Here is my final error message after attempting to save my activity with the latter edit: Invalid expression or reference: line 1:136 missing ')' at '<EOF>' .pySteps(8).pySteps(19).pyParamArray(1).PropertiesValue— Invalid expression or reference: line 1:136 missing ')' at '<EOF>' @if(D_AddBeneficiaryORPER[MsgKey:WorkAttach.ProvisoryIdentifier].OUT.Erreur.ErrNum=="999","Erreur traitement ORPER","Attente traitement"
I would like to know why I am getting that error and what I could do in other to either solve the new error I am getting or bypass it by trying another more suitable solution.
Best regards,