
UBS Business Solutions
Last activity: 10 Mar 2019 14:12 EDT
Static Assembler and Compilation
We are about to do infrastructure upgrade from SOLARIS to LINUX 6.7. As part of this we are moving from Java 1.6 to Java8
Source: Pega 7.2.0, Websphere Application Server 7.0, Java 1.6, SOLARIS
Destination: Pega 7.2.0, Websphere Application Server Proprietary information hidden, Java 8, RHEL 6.7.x
As part of this, we have setup a sandbox environment on destination configuration, we want to run static assembler to check if our existing code base runs on target environment, as we have java version change.
Could someone answer if below are sufficient to know any issues in the system for Java analysis
a. Running static assembler for all the application, will show all the java compilation issues, if any?
b. For rules not covered under Static Assembler, Revalidate and Save is sufficient?
Thank you