
Last activity: 1 Dec 2016 9:45 EST
Start a flow on Modal Dialog implementation approach.....
we have a requirement where we are displaying list of products in a grid.For each product have life cycle so user can create work item for each product.
So currently we are displaying the list of products in parent work item flow action.Now when user will click on the create Work Order button it will create a sub case under the parent case.
it's worked fine when have done on click of the button it is calling the create sub case activity and refreshing the harness so it is the opening the sub case flow action by overriding the current flow action.
But user doesn't wants to do that.
They want
1. On click of the create Work Order button it will display a information message in modal that are you really wants to create WO?
2. On submission of the response it will create WO?
3. Before creating WO it will display all the existing WO with this product and sub products combination like duplicate search functionality.
product sub product status
A x create work Order
B y create work Order
C z create work Order
D p create work Order
we have a requirement where we are displaying list of products in a grid.For each product have life cycle so user can create work item for each product.
So currently we are displaying the list of products in parent work item flow action.Now when user will click on the create Work Order button it will create a sub case under the parent case.
it's worked fine when have done on click of the button it is calling the create sub case activity and refreshing the harness so it is the opening the sub case flow action by overriding the current flow action.
But user doesn't wants to do that.
They want
1. On click of the create Work Order button it will display a information message in modal that are you really wants to create WO?
2. On submission of the response it will create WO?
3. Before creating WO it will display all the existing WO with this product and sub products combination like duplicate search functionality.
product sub product status
A x create work Order
B y create work Order
C z create work Order
D p create work Order
I have tried with by putting a local action on click of that button then start a flow on modal dialog which is calling pega default flow pyCreateSubCase flow to generate the sub case.But one issue i am facing what ever the response i am submitting either yes/No it is executing the next action start a flow in Modal dialog.How can i able to stop flow execution based on the response in the local action modal.
Waiting for suggestion and comments on this or any other solutions approach to solve this kind of navigation.
Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated.