
Rulesware LLC
Last activity: 22 Mar 2019 9:28 EDT
Specific Hour:Minutes:AM/PM required value request
Good day,
I have a request to capture an specific time with format HH:mm AM/PM. I'm using Date time control with display mode "Dropdowns lists", however when I select in UI just the AM or PM, it allows me to pass without setting the hour or the minutes, I need to have the 3 values. Please advice, I'm using Pega Infinity 8.
see atached image.
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
You can also use the regular expression in your java code to match the string format something like \d+\:\d+ [a-zA-Z]{2} this might work for your scenario to match 12:14 AM or 1:12 AM or 1:2 AM,..

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Hector,
After looking into your screenshot noticed 3 drop down list boxes for the field which means that you might have provided 3 properties to store its dropdown selected value. If that's the case then you need to add the validation on those 3 fields as mandatory, if not can you please share the design time configuration screenshots for these 3 drop down fields along with your validations.
Mahesh M
SaiKishore Yagnamurthy

Rulesware LLC
Hi Mahesh,
Thank you, actually is the form of presentation of the control, I'm ataching the options that I just set in the presentation.

Rulesware LLC
Any Advice?

Pegasystems Inc.
I checked the behaviour and it is same as you stated.
To avoid the form submit, make it required as always , then you have to select all the dropdown for submiting the form.

Rulesware LLC
Good day Sahuv1,
I tried your suggestion, but didn't work, wont require third dropdown (the one with AM/PM).
Let me know if you have a diferent approach.
Thank you.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Hector,
I don't find any OOTB way you can try to make it required because if you choose the value of all the 3 fields then it will be stored as "2:02 AM" format in the clipboard. Let say if you choose either Hours/Minutes/(AM/PM) the property value will not be empty, so i would suggest you to write a simple edit validate rule to cross check whether the property holds this format value (HH:MM AM/PM). This way you can make sure the user choose all the field values with a simple java code.
Hope this might help you.
Mahesh M
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
You can also use the regular expression in your java code to match the string format something like \d+\:\d+ [a-zA-Z]{2} this might work for your scenario to match 12:14 AM or 1:12 AM or 1:2 AM,..

Rulesware LLC
Good day Mahesh,
Thank you, I will go with your suggested approach, I'll let you know the outcome.

Rulesware LLC
In the end, I used 3 dropdowns with local values and capture all with a Data Transform.
Thank you all for the advice and help.