
Last activity: 28 Feb 2022 4:59 EST
Skip 'Create' view when users create a new case in 8.5
With Pega 8.5, is there any way to skip showing a new/create harness?
Earlier this used to be possible with "Skip 'Create' view when users create a new case" option in case designer. With 8.5, documentation says "You can skip the Create view only in case types without the Create stage" and also "The Create stage is a mandatory element for collecting information before a user submits a case, so you cannot remove the Create stage from a case life cycle.". So basically because create stage is mandatory, you can no longer skip the create view.
There will be many reasons why we may not want to show new/create harness. This seems like a unnecessary restriction
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Pegasystems Inc.
you cannot remove the create stage - but you can delete all the steps in the create stage to get a similar behavior as skip create
Shrikant Pustode Elvia Villalobos Andrea De Rito

This works. However, it still shows an "empty" create stage which doesn't looks good.
Udhayachander Gopalaswamy

Farmers Insurance
Any specific reason why create stage is mandatory now ? As Shrikant mentioned, steps can be deleted but it still shows in the stages' chevron. What I see is, create stage is one time visible stage which even can't be revisited by using pxChangeStage API as there is a validation in it to not to jump to create stage. So, this screen cannot be used as data entry screen because user cannot go back to modify. So, things like disclaimers etc only can be shown on this create screen which is not true at least for our application. If we follow as you said to delete all steps, a dummy stage name need to be shown on screen.
Please advise how we can hide the stage name if its not used.
Udhayachander Gopalaswamy Su Zhu

Farmers Insurance
The functionality I am looking for is in below link. In the video posted there, the case had shown the "Create/New" harness which would have come from the create stage. But when the stages appear after opening the case, its not showing the "New/Create" stage. Can you please let me know how that was achieved ? I am using 8.5.2.

Pegasystems Inc.
Earlier before 8.5, the "Create" view for creating a case was provided outside of the case lifecycle. The OOTB create view was not suitable for most of the applications as per their business requirements and it was unclear what happens during Creation in case lifecycle. With the 'Create' stage and the ability to model "Create' view in the case lifecycle, now authors/app developers can configure the desired 'Create' view required for initial data capture that is required for case processing right from the case designer.
One could still rename the 'Create' stage and configure the steps required as most of the customers used to do by checking "Skip 'Create' view when users create a new case". This configuration allows app developers to configure the "Creation" related steps right in the case lifecycle from the case designer.
We can discuss in detail, the use case and the recommended approach to design it with case types that consists of the 'Create' stage.

Booz Allen Hamilton
@ArunSarada I'm not sure this is answering the question. With 8.5.1 I can see the option to "Skip 'Create' view when users create new case" is no longer available under Settings >> General. If it was there, I don't think the original question would even have been asked.
Josette Carole Ravelomanana Pritam Rajendra Lunawat Renuka Deshpande Raghunath Madarapu

@shrikantbp I have found a solution. Might not be relevant to you now but I am replying since it might help others:
I have performed the following steps:
1. Delete the create stage flow created by system since it creates screen flow.
2. Create new standard flow for create stage and on assignment select harness as custom and harness name as Perform.
Saurabh Dixit Sahil Khan

Booz Allen Hamilton
@RenukaD9 I needed to solve the same problem so was about to understand what you were saying and replicating. In the process, I simply deleted the flow. I didn't do anything else. It seems to have solved the problem.
Using Personal Edition 8.6.2

Hi All,
Perform the below step to skip the new harness while creating the case.
1. In First Stage step update the assignment harness type as Perform.
Anna Buchanan

Commonwealth Bank of Australia
@ArunSarada 'Create/ New Harness' View outside Case Life cycle in prior 8.5 had an advantage to pick circumstanced case types for circumstanced/specialised case creation, using properties set in new harness. Now that in 8.5, case is already created by the time Create Stage is hit. For automatic case instantiation, there seems to be no issue. For Manual Instantiation, using New+ menu, What is the alternative in 8.5 onwards?
Ashish Katiyar

yes I have the same question, there seems to be no definitive solution to this. Did you have any luck finding a workaround for this? If so, please point me in that direction.