Setup Kafka retry mechanism using acknowledgments (acks) or retries as producer
Hi everyone,
We have just upgraded to Pega 8.6, where we can finally define some producer properties. Our main problem is simply that, when Kafka servers are running at low server capacity for maintenance, some of Kafka messages from our Pega dataset fail to be inserted in the required topic. Therefore, we are trying to force acks or setup a retry mechanism to resend any failed messages.
We have tried to upload file in the Advanced Configuration section, whereby we are setting acks=all, but we are getting this message below "Data-Admin-Kafka.xxxx contains disallowed Kafka client configuration properties [acks]. Please remove those properties and try again."
It is obvious that acks are not allowed even with the new feature in place.
Has anyone managed to setup acks and log Kafka broker acknowledgments? If yes, we would really appreciate your help in guiding us how to do that.
If acks is not an option, would retries be a good substitute? Hope to hear your opinions or inputs on that.