
Murex Systems Sal
Last activity: 13 Mar 2018 2:31 EDT
Setup file to allow users to install the Pega Outlook Add-in on their machines, and URL used to log in should be pre-populated
Setup file to allow users to install the Pega Outlook Add-in on their machines, and URL used to log in should be pre-populated.
How it can be done??
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JPMorgan Chase & Company
Could you please elaborate your requirement what you are trying to implement ?

Murex Systems Sal
We have an Outlook Add-in that we want to release (Similar to the Add-in that Pega SFA have). The required is to create a setup file in Pega so that the user can easily install it. And another requirement is that when they open the add-in for the first time there is a URL they have to fill then login with username and password. I want the URL to be pre-filled since the Add-in is for a specific URL only.

Murex Systems Sal
Can anyone help??

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi - is this add-in for a Pega application? If not SA, which application? THe typical way to install the add-in is to run the msi installer on the machine. As for pre-populating the url, checking with our team.
Also note that I believe the Pega 7 platform does now offer an Outlook add-in that is not specific to SA.

Murex Systems Sal
This add-in is for SA (Add-in is from Pega, not custom add-in), we just want to pre-populate the Login URL, so that the user will install the msi installer, open the add-in, and just fill username and password and log-in. We already know how the add-in works and how to configure it. We only need the url to be pre-populated by our URL. So, How can we do it?

Pegasystems Inc.
Setup file will be generated using C# code. In general, as per existing design, it loads the URL from user mail box storage. When it is initial load, it is empty. To make this login URL fixed, we need to modify the C# code. It should be done using visual studio. As of now, we don't share any code related to this. Other than code modification, you may achieve this in an alternative way. You can create C# project which generates an executable file. If you run this exe file, it will change the value in User Mail Box Storage. Each user needs to run this exe file on their windows machine.

Murex Systems Sal
Does outlook allow us to change values in User Mail Box Storage? And where is the location of the user mail box storage that the url is saved in?

Murex Systems Sal
Is the Mail Box Storage accessible?If yes, how?
where is the Mail Box Storage location?
how to access the values through C# in order to change them?