Last activity: 9 Aug 2017 7:51 EDT
Sending REST call with attachment
I am currently implementing a connection to a REST service and I have to send a file with the POST request. Based on other PDN articles, I learned, that I have to specify the properties .pyAttachValues(1), .pyAttachNames(1), .pyAttachTypes(1), .pyAttachFileNames(1)
The example REST request using curl is the following: curl "-F images=@<SourceFileName>.pdf" <URL>
After calling the REST method with this setting, the response from the server is <error>Image list is empty</error> but I am expecting something like {"redirect": "/manage", "submission": "10"}
I am currently implementing a connection to a REST service and I have to send a file with the POST request. Based on other PDN articles, I learned, that I have to specify the properties .pyAttachValues(1), .pyAttachNames(1), .pyAttachTypes(1), .pyAttachFileNames(1)
The example REST request using curl is the following: curl "-F images=@<SourceFileName>.pdf" <URL>
After calling the REST method with this setting, the response from the server is <error>Image list is empty</error> but I am expecting something like {"redirect": "/manage", "submission": "10"}
Please see also attached the screenshot of my rule. All parameter in the connector request method are empty. Do I have to specify anything here? I am currently using Pega 7.3 Platform with Pega PV 7.31 on top.
Thanks and best regards,