Select All Check box Issue
Hi All,
I created a section in which the column header has check-box which is 'select all' option followed by respective columns ( Trx Number, Batch_id's Program name etc....)
- When I am searching for a particular Batch Id's or Trx numbers and try filtering it out it displays correctly.
- Later I check as 'Select All' option and approve those transactions it does not only approve the filtered rows but it selects all the rows which are not filtered and approve all the lines.
Ex: Lets say that for one batch id's we have multiple trx lines based on the filter option by selecting one transaction number and check the 'select all ' and approve. Then it takes all the transactions numbers including(selected trx numbers and unselected trx) and approves.
The select all property which was set at the column header is 'pySelected' and the version which I am using is 7.1.6. Please help me out on this issue.
Thanks a lot..