SAML WebSSO SHA1 issue with ADFS
I am trying to configure Desktop SSO between Pega(SP) and ADFS(IDP) but getting the following error:
Unable to process the SAML WebSSO request : The Response did not contain any Authentication Statement that matched the Subject Confirmation criteria
I can see in the logs that the SAML Web SSO Authentication Activity (Step: AuthService.pySAMLWebSSO) is generating a SAML request with a SHA1 signature:
Generated authentication request : <saml2p:AuthnRequest....<ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm=""/>
But ADFS is generating a SHA256 signature method response.
Is there any way to configure Pega such that it uses a "" signature method algorithm?
The method samlutils.createAuthenticationRequest passes in a Data-Admin-Security-SSO-SAML class type, but there is no property to set the signature method algorithm.
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to tag SR to post***