Same Datetime property is shown in different time zones in same session on editable vs read only screens
Hello All,
Recently we observed strange behavior w.r.t datetime property.
We have screenflow in our case type where on assignment 1 of this screenflow date time property is shown as editable, value of this date time property gets populated on load as per business case. on Assignment 4, it shows the value in read only format.
What we observed is, it shows time on editable field as per the timezone of user and on read only screen, it shows the time as per the CET. User's timezone is Europe/Instanbul.
Technically, it is the same section which being displayed at both the place. I tried with all cobinnations available on pxDateTime control, like Display value using read-only formatting, 24 hour time format. But no luck.
Has anybody faced this issue anytime? If you have any solution, kindly help comment here.
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Updated Platform Capability***