Salesforce Bot Performance
Pega Robotics is being leveraged to support contact center automation. The team is troubleshooting the difference between a human and bot times interacting with Salesforce. The Salesforce process is conducting a policy search and navigating to the policy details screen to read data from the policy details section. From testing, the bot is taking longer (e.g., 11 human seconds vs 18 bot seconds). Software and versions: Pega Robotics version 8.0.1088.0; Internet Explorer version 11.0.9600.19180.
Instrumentation was added to the bot code to capture bot vs Salesforce times. The bot code takes milliseconds and the remaining time is waiting for the Salesforce screen to load. From a human standpoint, each Salesforce screens responded within a couple seconds, while the bot waits until the rest of the screen loads before it proceeded (using the Pega Robotics WaitForCreate event that is aligned to the IE Page Load event).
Where we need help
Can we use a different event that will allow the bot to proceed after the initial Salesforce html loads?
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Updated Platform Capability***