Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 29 May 2018 11:04 EDT
Run activity in a specialized class by Standard Agent
I have a work type in MyCo-MyApp-Work-PurchaseRequest and simply want to do Obj-Browse to get a list of work instances and then send an e-mail to some of the instances. This activity is created in MyCo-MyApp-Work-PurchaseRequest class and works just fine by Unit Test.
Now, I want to make it scheduled by Agent every certain time. When I used Advanced mode it works fine. But when I change the mode from Advanced to Standard, it does not run and I want to know the reason. In my understanding, whenever possible it is better to use Standard Agent because this way developer can concentrate on business logic while with Advanced agent we need to build locking, transaction management, multiple node handling, queue management etc manually.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update categories***