Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 20 Jul 2021 18:20 EDT
Rule-DataObject what is it and why is it massively created in the branch?
I can't find any description of Rule-DataObject rules. I have a tiny branch with about 10 rules and about 40 Rule-DataObject rules created behid the scenes.
What is it? why is it? how to control it's creation?
We have start noticin this when branched developemtn was activated in teh top right corner. Developement is done in Dev Studio.
Pega 8.4.1
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Somak Banerjee -
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Pegasystems Inc.
I have created an activity to clean these objects, but it is quiinconvinient.
It would be great to have at least some explanation of what these objects are.
Updated: 14 Jun 2021 7:38 EDT
Pegasystems Inc.
Seems like these instances are created because of Data Type creation.
Please find the below article which is about a similar issue.
Pegasystems Inc.
Thank you for the reply.
That is the only material regarding Rule-DataObject. But in my branch I did not create any data types - there were only couple of fixes on some data trasforms.
Also we have noticed those rules created when somebody else tried to edit section thru App Atudio. These were created in respective branch that user worked with.
Pegasystems Inc.
I find on 8.4.1 that Rule-DataObject instances can get created when I go Add data type from Dev Studio's "Data Types" Explorer menu, then select Existing data type.
The behavior we've been accustomed to is that this merely adds a new entry to the "Cases & data" tab of the Application rule. However now it also creates a Rule-DataObject instance which appears to drive the list of Data Objects shown in App Studio.
Annoyingly, in 8.4.1, if you use the "Remove from application" action on the Data Type in Dev Studio, it leaves the Rule-DataObject instance untouched which means the Data Object still appears in App Studio.
I don't have a view on what its purpose is beyond serving the same effect to App Studio as the Application Rule's "Cases & data" tab does to Dev Studio.
@snirm - can you advise?
Nikhil Tannier Partiswari Panda deivit mamani
Updated: 19 Oct 2020 14:50 EDT
Pegasystems Inc.
Data objects have been added as part of the express methodology in App Studio (the 3 pillars). Both data types and case types are data objects and that allows us to start unifying and formalizing things like relationships. @pageb and @potlv would be able to provide more details
Bas Meeuwissen
Lloyds Banking Group PLC
@snirm @pageb @potlv Hello - Please can you respond to above and provide some more details. It's really filling up rule count and I find no proper way to manage it. Even after deleting the data objects - the rule persists in the ruleset version.
Is there anyway to do clean up of this? There's no delete option on these rules.
Thanks , Nik
Updated: 18 Jan 2021 3:49 EST
Pegasystems Inc.
Some more information about Data Object rules, which may help you in attending this issue.
- Rule-DataObject instances can get created upon new data type creation or upon addition of exiting data type to application rule form. It can also get created upon saving the application rule form for all the existing data type associations.
- As of 8.5, the usage of these rules are limited to AppStudio and does not impact the run time behavior of the application.
- In Appstudio, it is used to handle life cycle of draft data objects and also to provide unified-view of draft and concrete data objects.
- As it does not impact runtime behavior, user should not be worried about deleting these instances from rulesets. Currently, the explicit deletion can happen only through activity rule.
Dhanusha Abeywickrama
Is this getting addressed in Pega 8.6 or later versions? As we have a Production ruleset with an open version in Production system, lot of these rules are getting created. This is resulting in issues with monitoring Production ruleset contents and it's sync-ing across non-prod environments.
Sarath Chand Lingamgunta
@chinm As mentioned by Murali below, Production Ruleset is getting piled up in PROD environment with these rules & Managing production ruleset is becoming a problem due to increase in count of these rules. Is there any solution that we are trying to propose to get rid of these unnecessary rule in Production ruleset ???
Patrick Milin