
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 9 Apr 2021 6:20 EDT
Can not delete Rule-DataObject Rules
I created a data type rule and then because of some issues I deleted that class and all the rules in that class but I can see one rule with Type ""Rule-Dataobject" (with description Rule for data object). There is no delete option on that. I tried to delete using the activity but it did not work, still I can see that rule in my branch.
Please suggest how can we delete that rule?
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 7 Apr 2021 15:34 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Issue resolved. Thank you for your support. There is an issue with the activity so fixed it and ran again then it worked fine.

Pegasystems Inc.
Not working even with an Activity? Did you get an error, can you share the tracer output when running such custom activity.

Pegasystems Inc.
Yes. Getting an error saying "Instance with handle RULE-DATAOBJECT RECENTORGNIZATIONS #20200323T101101.354 GMT does not exist" but i can see that rule in my Branch. Please find the attached Tracer output.

Pegasystems Inc.
Are you sure this is the correct key? Can you trace when opening it from you branch ruleset?
Updated: 14 Jun 2021 7:38 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Could you please check the instance of Rule-DataObject if that record exists.

Pegasystems Inc.
I am taking the Inskey from the XML file of that rule and trying to delete that using an activity.
Accepted Solution
Updated: 7 Apr 2021 15:34 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Issue resolved. Thank you for your support. There is an issue with the activity so fixed it and ran again then it worked fine.

Aaseya IT Services Pvt Ltd
Could you please provide the steps of the activity you used to delete Rule-Dataobject. i tried using Obj-Delete-by-Handle but im getting the same error you stated first time.

Define a temppage of class Rule- with in Activity , and use this tempage as step page for obj-delete-by-Handle method and pass pzInsKey as Instance Handle.
This will delete the Rule-DataObject rule.

Unitedhealth Group
I am facing same issue. I have wrote an activity to delete these "Rule-DataObject" instances and the activity is running successfully without any errors or warnings but it's getting deleted at all. I don't see anything in the logs to indicate a problem. Please find the attached image containing my activity with steps.
Let me know if I am doing anything wrong. I really appreciate your help.

Aaseya IT Services Pvt Ltd
@SRINIVAS BONTHUJust have one step in activity - Obj-Delete-By-Handle and pass pzInsKey of Rule-DataObject. Works for me. Just tick immediate as it is one time thing.
Teruyuki Shimizu