
Cognizant Technology Solutions
Last activity: 6 Nov 2018 20:02 EST
RPA configuration
I have installed Pega Robotics Studio 8.0.1037 . To do RPA configuration along with PEGA 7.2.2 I followed the instructions .
As part of "VM Registration" I am seeing below instruction :
a. Right Click on Robot icon in Toolbar Tray.
b. Click on Enter RPA Credentials and provide robotic administrator user name and password.
c. Click Load Local project and browse for the deployed project file to load the automation in runtime.
But I am not seeing any Robot icon in the toolbar tray(bottom right hand side) of my laptop where I can get the option to load/unload local project.
Within studio , if I run a project , then I am seeing a robot icon appearing on the toolbar tray(bottom right hand side) of my laptop . There I can see the option to "Enter credentials" , but I am not seeing option to load/unload local project .
Can you please help me in resolving the issue ? Thanks in advance ..
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Pegasystems Inc.
How are you starting Runtime in the first scenario?

Cognizant Technology Solutions
Hi Estra,
I went to the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenSpan\OpenSpan Studio for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 and double clicked on the "OpenSpan.Runtime" application . Then I am getting error message : "Cannot continue with no package loaded. Runtime will now exit" .

Cognizant Technology Solutions
One more thing troubleshoot the error , I am also not seeing the Runtime_Log4Net.txt log file any in the path : %appdata%/openspan folder

Cognizant Technology Solutions
Please note , openspan runtime is not installed separately. This is installed as part of Robotic Studio installation.

Pegasystems Inc.
In %appdata%\OpenSpan you will need to edit the RuntimeConfig.xml file. There is a key that is causing your issue. Look for: <add key="AllowRunwithNoPackage" value="false" />. Change the value to true.

Cognizant Technology Solutions
Thanks Jeff . The robot icon is now appearing on system tray .
But still I am not seeing below the options on right click of the robot icon :
Load Local Project
Load Web Project
etc ..
I can see only below options when I do a right click on robot icon:
Report a Problem
Diagnostics & Configuration
Test Connection
Enter RPA Credentials
Can you please advise how we can fix this issue ?

Cognizant Technology Solutions
I have given the credentials in the "Enter RPA Credentials" option.
But when I click on "Test Connection" , getting error message as "Failed Connection".
Please find attached the log file . Can you please advise ?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Chittaranjan,
Sound like you are trying to use the Pega Robotic Automation Deployment Portal but has not been set up yet or checked "enable server connectivity" during the install process by mistake. If you are using or plan to use the Automation Deployment Portal "load local project" would not be present since the project would have been assigned through the Automation Deployment Portal.
I would recommend that you disable this feature. This can be done by modifying the commonConfig located in %programdata%\OpenSpan. Below is the section of the commonConfig that needs to be modify. To disable the server connectivity make sure that enable is set to false.

Cognizant Technology Solutions
After making the above changes , now the robot icon appears on the try with all the options.
Now I started making other changes to complete the RPA configuration. I am doing it in PEGA 7.2.2 environment.
I did the below steps so far :
1. Imported PegaRoboticAutomationConsole zip in PEGA 7.2
2. Made necessary changes in the RuntimeConfig.xml
3. As part of configuring PEGA 7.2 env to register robotic VM I did below things in PEGA 7.2
a) Created the Administrative Operator
b) Created an access group for the operator and Add the PEGARULES:RoboticAdministrator role to the access group that is created.
c). Assigned access group to the operator.
d) Created a work group that contains the work queues from which the robots obtain assignments. The work group is associated with a ruleset in the application
e) Necessary changes done in the work group settings
f) Mapped access Group and Work Group thru a decision table
g) Robot heartbeat is configured
h) Robotic shape is configured in a case type
i) VM registration done
Now when I open the robotic console dashboard , I don't see the Robot .
Attaching log file for reference . Any help will be highly appreciated ..


Cognizant Technology Solutions
I uninstalled & reinstalled the studio , did all the steps again and then didn't see the issue again .

Datacom group
Hey Jeff,
The system tray robot icon is not getting displayed for me as well.I set the AllowRunwithNoPackage to true and tried to run the OpenSpan.Runtime.exe as an admin.But the system tray icon is still missing.I enabled log4Net and have attached it here.
Its showing the following,
Failed to register Robot - Name: 'localhostPEGADEMO', Queue: 'Customer service'
ERROR |Error requesting data from Pega. http://pegademo.xxxxxx.local:8080/prweb/PRRestService/robotics/v1/register
Code: Forbidden(403), Content: System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[System.String]
ERROR | RoboticsService.RegisterRobot - Failed to register robot.
When I run the robotics application from Roboics Studio, I can see the robot icon in the system tray and the Enter RPA credentials option is there, where I entered
UserName : BankingAdministrator and password.
What I am missing here?Why its trying to register the robot even I try to run the OpenSpan.Runtime.exe ?

Datacom group
I disabled all the servers in the ServerConfiguration in CommonConfig file and the system tray icon appeared when I ran the OpenSpan.Runtime.exe file.Then I gave the credentials and then loaded the robotics application by selecting load local project. But I couldn't see any log entry related to robot registration.What should be done to register the bot?I have attached the log file here.