Routing assignment back to user who was working on it
I have the below Process Flow
Start > Assignment1 > Approval assignment> Assignment2 >End
1. Assignment1 : is completed by user1
2. Approval assignment : is routed & performed by its Manager1
3. Assignment2 : should be again routed to user1
I am able to configure the routing for step 2 on assignment properties, like below
Assignment Type = Worklist, Router = ToWorklist , parameters : Operator : Manager1
(this step is working fine)
But I am not able to configure the routing on Assignment2 to user1
I tried below settings but it is not working :
Route to : Custom
Assignment Type = Worklist,
Router = ToWorklist
parameters : Operator : pxRequestor.pyUserIdentifier
Can someone please advise how it can be done?
screenshot attached.
Thanks in Advance.
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