Robotic Process Automation
Hi ,
I have followed the below steps to configure the robot virtual machine with PEGA. But if the VM registartion is successfull , it will generate operator id. But i am not getting it even after followed all the below steps for VM registration with PEGA7.2.1.
- Created Operator id.
- Assigned access group to that operator id and also assigned role “PEGARULES:RoboticAdministrator”.
- Configured robot work baskets and workgroups
- Configured access group for workgroup.
- Configured heart beat interval
- Configured robot queue shape in flow with the workbasket and automation.
- Edited the runtimeConfig.xml file as <MenuItem item="RPACredentials" label="Enter RPA Credentials..." show="true" />
- Created automation in PEGA robotic studio. Then I just did solution up by clicking the “Start Debug” option . So run time is up and we will able to call automation from the PEGA.
- Right Click on studio run time icon and provided RPA credentials.
10. Right click on project name and select properties .given robot queue name to my workgroup name.
- Ran the automation from PEGA. So that Virtual machine will get registered with PEGA7 and will generate new operator id .(But here we are not getting this even if I follow all the above steps).
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Hi ,
I have followed the below steps to configure the robot virtual machine with PEGA. But if the VM registartion is successfull , it will generate operator id. But i am not getting it even after followed all the below steps for VM registration with PEGA7.2.1.
- Created Operator id.
- Assigned access group to that operator id and also assigned role “PEGARULES:RoboticAdministrator”.
- Configured robot work baskets and workgroups
- Configured access group for workgroup.
- Configured heart beat interval
- Configured robot queue shape in flow with the workbasket and automation.
- Edited the runtimeConfig.xml file as <MenuItem item="RPACredentials" label="Enter RPA Credentials..." show="true" />
- Created automation in PEGA robotic studio. Then I just did solution up by clicking the “Start Debug” option . So run time is up and we will able to call automation from the PEGA.
- Right Click on studio run time icon and provided RPA credentials.
10. Right click on project name and select properties .given robot queue name to my workgroup name.
- Ran the automation from PEGA. So that Virtual machine will get registered with PEGA7 and will generate new operator id .(But here we are not getting this even if I follow all the above steps).
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