
HCL Technologies
Last activity: 27 Nov 2015 21:01 EST
REST Connector , service protect by SSO - How to connect
We are conecting to external system via REST connector, but the external system JSON service url is protect by site minder, so whenever we hit we are redirected to sso login page instead of actual service JSON. Now how to connect to service URL ? Do I need to authenticate first then pass cookie in header? Please advice?
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Accepted Solution

HCL Technologies
We got this resolved by passing SMSESSION in cookie ..thanks a lot

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Swami,
You should use proxy server settings. I believe this feature is available since 7.1.8. You need to set the jvm arguments similar to these:
<Host name or IP address of HTTP proxy>
<HTTP port>
-Dhttps.proxyHost=<Host name or IP address of HTTP proxy to take https path>
-Dhttps.proxyPort=<HTTPs port>
-Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=<Specify Service Hostnames, for which you want to bypass the requests>
-Dhttp.proxyUser=<Username if basic auth is enabled at proxy>
-Dhttp.proxyPassword=<Password if basic auth is enabled at proxy>
Updated: 14 Nov 2015 9:20 EST

HCL Technologies
No other way? We are using PEGA 7.1.1 its possible via http connect or Java step to access the sso via servlet before I connect?

Pegasystems Inc.
This is certainly technically possible by customizing the OOTB pyinvokerestconnector activity (at your risk since there have been so many other changes since then) but you should really ask yourself why using such an old release. There are so many enhancement and bug fixes in all areas since then, now we are at 7.1.9.

HCL Technologies
Upgrade is not possible for now:) any other solutions?

Are you passing SMSession cookie information in the header?

HCL Technologies
I dont have SMSESSIONID, so I have to connect and obtain ..

If i am not wrong SMSession Cookie is created during authentication.
Accepted Solution

HCL Technologies
We got this resolved by passing SMSESSION in cookie ..thanks a lot