
Wells Fargo
Last activity: 20 May 2016 16:30 EDT
REST Connector - Request tags getting changed in actual resquest
We have a REST Connector, with JSON request format. In the request we have one of the tag is "customer_req_change".
When sending the actual request to REST Service, the tag name is getting changed to "customer_r=change".
When I enable DEBUG mode, see the Request message and then come to know that the text "eq_" is converted to "=".
Please help me resolving this issue.
PRPC Version is 7.1.7
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Follow the below steps to resolve the issue:
1. If below DSS is set to true then update its value to false. The default value is false. If the DSS is not configured at all then you can ignore this step.
Purpose: json/LegacyMapping
Owning ruleset: Pega-IntegrationEngine
Value: false
2. Install HFix-26838 and HFix-21277 using Designer Studio > System > Release > Hotfix Manager > Install Hotfix option.
3. Restart the application server after installing the Hot Fixes.
4. The integration data model might have to be regenerated again after installing the fix. Please verify your already generated integration data model (not data page data model) , especially properties and find if “pzExternalName” property qualifier is set on advanced tab of property rule form. If “pzExternalName” property qualifier is already set then everything should just work. Else you need to regenerate the data model again.

Could you verify whether these values present in pyInboundIdentifierEncoder and pyOutboundIdentifierDecoder decision tables? These 2 DT's are responsible for encoding and decoding. Incase if you customize any of these results may vary.

And also verify below DSS present or not? If yes, turn it off and try to re-generate the rules again.
DSS -json/LegacyMapping

Wells Fargo
I've verified and this DSS -json/LegacyMapping, doesn't exist in the system.

Wells Fargo

Wells Fargo
Hi Gangababu,
I did private checkout of those 2 DTs and verified, now I'm able to send Request and getting Response from Service.
So, please let me know if there is any work around available for this? or I'll raise an SR.

Are you seeing below errors in PegaRules log file? If yes, Then there is a Hfix.
Caused by: Error getting the Identifier Map for property encoding/decoding : You are not authorized to open instance RULE-DECLARE-DECISIONTABLE @BASECLASS PYOUTBOUNDIDENTIFIERDECODER #20130919T004207.669 GMT
From: (AC8F702F744E47F676A280C8BC460DF3F:PEGServices)
at com.pega.pegarules.integration.engine.internal.ServiceHelper.getDecisionMap(
at com.pega.pegarules.integration.engine.internal.ServiceHelper.getOutboundJSONValue(
... 191 more

Wells Fargo
I've verified logs and we are not getting this error in Logs.
Not sure it is related, but these DTs are not showing up in Tracer.
Shall I raise an SR?

Can you resave the DT in your ruleset and test it once?

Wells Fargo
Yes I did Private check out and tested, it is working fine.

Create below DSS setting and try the scenario?
Owning Ruleset:Pega-IntegrationEngine

Wells Fargo
I've created DSS and verified, still not working...

Did you re-generate the rules again after setting the DSS? Is your system upgraded from lower version or fresh installation?

Wells Fargo
No, we haven't regenerated the rules after creating the DSS. And the system is upgraded from v6.3.
Do we need to re-consume the Service again to make it work? Are you sure about this, if so we can do it, because we need to clean up everything before doing that and re-do the mapping.

I haven't tried in house. For one of the issues, it was mentioned to re-generate the rules and test the scenario in our knowledge base.
It's up to you whether to delete the existing instances and re-create again. I would suggest you to consume the services in different class/ ruleset and observe the behavior if that is feasible for you.

Wells Fargo
We'll try it out regenerating the rules again Gangababu.

If it is working with private edit, then we would suggest to recreate it from scratch. Also, you could re-validate and save the rule, just in case that works.

Wells Fargo
Rajeev - I tried doing revalidate and save the rules, but still getting same issue.

Pegasystems Inc.
Thank you Rajesh! I have updated this thread with your SR, therefore connecting the 2 for future troubleshooting.
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Follow the below steps to resolve the issue:
1. If below DSS is set to true then update its value to false. The default value is false. If the DSS is not configured at all then you can ignore this step.
Purpose: json/LegacyMapping
Owning ruleset: Pega-IntegrationEngine
Value: false
2. Install HFix-26838 and HFix-21277 using Designer Studio > System > Release > Hotfix Manager > Install Hotfix option.
3. Restart the application server after installing the Hot Fixes.
4. The integration data model might have to be regenerated again after installing the fix. Please verify your already generated integration data model (not data page data model) , especially properties and find if “pzExternalName” property qualifier is set on advanced tab of property rule form. If “pzExternalName” property qualifier is already set then everything should just work. Else you need to regenerate the data model again.