
Last activity: 6 Jun 2023 23:31 EDT
Report Definition not accepting Date value in where clause
I have used Data page to show the cases in the user work queue. In data page , I have used report definition as a source to fetch the results. But I am not able to see any results in user work queue because of the below error.
In where clause of the report definition, I have used date property in left hand side and used the Pega provided date option "Today" in the right hand side with relationship as less than.
Ex: TestDate < Today
When I try to run the RD with above condition, following exception is getting triggered and same has been captured in logs as well.
An error occured on executing the query for the report definition - Database column <unknown> in database pegadata, table <unknown> has an unknown type: JDBC Type: Date
Displaying 0 records
Based on the observation, Function "Today" has been considered as datetime whereas not date. Tried the below the approach but it didn't worked.
1. Tried to pass current date as parameter.
2. Tried to pass a page which contains current date property.
Kindly share your suggestion to resolve the issue.