
Last activity: 23 Aug 2016 21:36 EDT
Repeating grid becoming empty without showing any columns or fields in developer portal
When the section with repeating grid is moved to higher ruleset(normal save as) it became blank. PFA for reference. No changes made as part of the grid, Whereas we can see the grid normally visible in lower versions. And there is no error in any conditions mentioned on the grid level as the grid is perfectly visible and able to perform operations in the case manager portal. Facing this issue in version 7.1.8 and 7.2, not sure about others. This issue is only in developer portal.
***Updated by Moderator: Marissa to remove the Ask the Expert group tag. Apologies this should not have been an end-user option***
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Can you use Live UI in case manager portal and verify which section is being invoked? Newly saved one or older one.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Venkata,
I guess this might be an issue with the Rule resolution where as the newly saved section might not be picked . As per Ganga's suggestion use LIve UI and verify which section is being invoked.

the newly saved version is getting picked in the case manager portal. just in developer portal the grid is coming as blank

Areteans Technologies
1. Check whether all the properties mapped to grid are available some might have been withdrawn.
2. Do a revalidate and save of the class,property,section,etc., referred for grid

Even i faced the same issue in 7.1.9. If anyone know what the actual issue please explain ..

@ravindran All properties, class, section are same like before. nothing is changed

Pega Systems
Hello Venkata,
If the properties and other referenced rules in the section are all available on the ruleset resolution path, then I believe below is what can be done.
Try this approach, though not ideal, create a section with same name in current ruleset version (instead of save as) and copy the contents from the previous version of section layout by layout. This will help you fix it. Please let me know if it helped.

Pegasystems Inc.
I think this is an issue of pega. When we restore version from history the repeating grid got corrupt. At least I saw that happening in 7.1.7

Pega Systems
Yes, but this is not consistent in this issue. There is no pattern when the section gets corrupt.
One work around - as mentioned earlier, instead of a save as, copy the contents after explicitly creating a new rule instance with same name.

Pegasystems Inc.
Did you try resaving the rule again??

Areteans Technologies
Section Corruption might be the issue. It occurs when
1. As mentioned above by restoring previous instances in a version
2. Doing a private edit of locked versions rules and directly check-in to current/open version
3. Check-in rules when server is very slow

Areteans Technologies
Try revalidating and Save section rule before recreating. It may resolve the issue.
Navigation to Revalidate and Save:
Designer Studio -> System -> Release -> Upgrade -> Validate

@Vishwanath Yeah that is the approach i am using in order anything at individual column, but is there any specific reason because of which this might happen, as I have faced the same issue in another version too.

Pega Systems
I am glad that it worked that way for you. As for the reason - its not a regular issue or there is any pattern for this issue. This is there in previous versions too.
Things that I observed:
1. when we are upgrading an old application and there is that one odd section (I dont know what is the odd here) which gets corrupt.
2. When the section rule contains more and more layouts within same section. I saw rules which have many layouts, go corrupt. And the worst part is - when such a section corrupts, you have a lot of code to do in ur new section. I recommend in such cases to create embedded section option where you bring the entire big section into a collection of sections. This way, we need not configure each layout and cell. but just bring the sections together again when the main section gets corrupt.