
Bank of America
Last activity: 13 Feb 2020 19:34 EST
Repeat grid results exporting to Excel
Hello ,
I have requirement to export the results of a repeating grid . grid is defined with source as page list. I have tried using OOTB rule pxConvertResultsToCSV and exportToExcel .
I am calling above activities on click of button .Both are working fine for the 1st time and able to see the excel with results. If I click the button next time then its not downloading any excel.
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Ramachandra Raju Dantuluri Madhusudan Sharma -
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Vijay,
I tried a sample use case in Pega 7.4 and attached for your reference which is exporting the data page list content correctly on each click. Kindly try this approach and let me know if you still need help on this requirement.
Mahesh M

Bank of America
Thanks Mahesh. it worked . I didn't select 'use page' option.

Pegasystems Inc.
That's the tricky part in your requirement.

Hi Mahesh,
once system export the data into the excel sheet all numbers are converting like 4.44E+11 instead of 444444000000
excel sheet format cells category taken as General by default
I have tried with pxConvertResultsToCSV activity Parameter: CSVPropertyTypes with Interger as well but still issue not resolved
Could you please suggest me correct path?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Ravindra,
By default the column value will be displayed as 4.44E+11 instead of 444444000000, if you drag the column header in order to display the full number then it will be displayed completely. Hope that clarifies your doubt.
Mahesh M

Wells Fargo
I have a similar problem wherein i need to display decimal values in currency formay with a dollar sign: example- $2000.00
If there a way to export page list to CSV or excel but also maintain a certain format in excel sheet.
Please note that providing property type does not help.

ING Australia
Hi Mahesh,
I am using this activity to fetch the report from repeating grid wth RD as sounce.
This RD has columns for joined table (As Applicant.FirstName)
Could you please me know how to refer them in CSVProperties Parameter field of the activity?
When I am trying with Applicant.FirstName its giving me an error as below:
List of params for Method or activity that this step is calling—
Invalid expression or reference: Found ',' (at position 41) Invalid expression or reference: line 1:15 extraneous input ',' expecting {<EOF>, '-', '+', '=', '*', '/', '%', '<', '>', '<=', '>=', '==', '!=', '<>', '^=', '~=', '&&', '||', '?', '+=', '-=', '*=', '/=', '%='}
Please revert.

hi Mahesh,
Thanks for the explanation. The file getting downloaded is a CSV type. It is not showing arabic content when opening with MS Excel 2016. Could you please tell what to do to download the file as xlsx type. Or any work around.