Remove field value after confirm
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Close thread since it doesn't seem there is a solution in Pega at this point
That design does not look like it is going to work. That when rule is checking for a confirm harness. So refreshes will not clear this, if you are still on a confirm harness.
Can you expand more on your configuration and requirement? Perhaps there is a different or better way to go about this.
It clears the message temporarily, but since I am reusing the same harness across the application the message displays when performing other actions. Is there a way to display a field value temporarily (i.e. display it for less than a minute or so).
@StanleyN has reached out to the PCC Moderators asking for this thread to be closed.
If you have the same/similar question, please create a new Question.
Thank you,
Marissa | Collaboration Center Senior Moderator | Pegasystems Inc.
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