Disabled Field is enabed after ajax calls
Hi All ,
As per our business requirement ,we have to set the value for the fields and disabled fields on the UI so that the user cannot edit these.We cannot use the disabled condition for each field as the fields to disable change based on scenario and some business rules .Assume we have 5 fields on the screen A,B,C,D,E .Below are few scenarios's.
Scenario1 - A,B,C Fields should be disabled
Scenario 2- A,C,D Fields should be disabled .
We have implemented this and disabled the fields using java script and on load of the screen we are calling the function .below is the code
Issue :- Apart from these fields , there are other fields on the UI which has some events configured like post value/refresh section .Whenever these events gets triggered the fields are re-enabled unless we call the function in the script file to disable .
Is there a way we can achieve our business use case without the need to call the script on each and every field on the UI .
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