
Last activity: 13 Jun 2020 9:03 EDT
Remove duplicates from text property
Hi ,
I have a RD run in an activity which pulls information like below table
WO ID | Status | Trasaction | Business Analyst |
p-1 | pending | 123 | abc |
p-2 | pending | 23 | bcd |
p-3 | pending | 45 | abc |
I have requirement to send email to business anlayst pulled form the above report.
I have used obj browse to open business analyst email based on the name of BA populated in the table.
But if there are 2 rows having same BA's , TO property(Mode:text) which iam going to use in sendsimpleemail is populating as Proprietary information hidden; Proprietary information hidden; Proprietary information hidden
I dont want repeating email address in the To property.
rather i want To property to be populated as Proprietary information hidden; Proprietary information hidden by removing any duplicates email address
How to achieve this requirement?
***Edited by Moderator: Pallavi to update platform capability tags***