
Ernst & Young
Last activity: 23 Nov 2016 10:20 EST
Release Management Framework - Auto Migration : Issue while downloading
Getting an HTTP 401 error while I use the RMF for auto deployment.
“DOWNLOAD STATUS : Target system was unable to download the archive file because of an IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 401 for URL”
Note: We have PegaDiagnosticUser role configured in tomcat-user.xml as well as Data-Admin-System-Security, which is mandatory for HTTP download.
I further went ahead and tried using the OOTB Product migration option under designer studio and it works perfectly fine while connecting to target system for downloading or importing the Zip file . The issue is happening only when I try to schedule an auto deployment through RMF.
I captured all the screen shots of RMF compared with OOTB feature and also did my trouble shooting of the issue before reaching out to you. Please find the document attached along with the Clipboard details of both the scenarios.
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Thanks a lot Sai Tamada for sharing the resolution details.
Please find the steps performed by Sai Tamada to resolve the issue.
The below 3 rules are the one's which i modified.
"Save AS" Extract Rules as RMFExtarctRule to change from Obj-Open --> Obj-Browse as it was not pulling all the Product files which are not part of RMF application.
Called the right Extract Rule in the flow and also passed the right parameters to the Activity "ExtractRules"
Thanks a lot Sai Tamada for sharing the resolution details.
Please find the steps performed by Sai Tamada to resolve the issue.
The below 3 rules are the one's which i modified.
"Save AS" Extract Rules as RMFExtarctRule to change from Obj-Open --> Obj-Browse as it was not pulling all the Product files which are not part of RMF application.
Called the right Extract Rule in the flow and also passed the right parameters to the Activity "ExtractRules"
Under Step 6.2 make sure the pyZipFile is popuated correctly as this is used while downloading and Importing the file in our target system.

May I know are you using http or https url to connect to target system using RMF? I could find https in the document. Could you please verify and try to access with http using RMF?
Hope this helps!

Ernst & Young
Surce system is HTTPS but the Terget system is HTTP? Do you still want me to check?

Ernst & Young
BTW, I tried the other way round.. by switching the DEV and QA. Trying to deploy a package from QA (HTTP) to DEV(HTTPS) and got the same error.
2016-10-24 16:28:32,114 [ PegaRULES-Batch-1] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ PegaRULES:07.10] (gement_Migration_Target.Action) INFO - DOWNLOAD STATUS : Target system was unable to download the archive file because of an IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 401 for URL: http:// Proprietary information hidden:8084/prweb/DiagnosticData?path=StaticContent/global/ServiceExport/
Note: The Migration (AUto Deployment works) when i try to do it through "Designer Studio->Application -->Distribution-->Migrate" option. It is not working only when i do it through RMF.

Ernst & Young
Hi Ganga - Did you get a chance to investigate further?

I couldn't get a chance to test the scenario as I don't have RMF installed system.

Ernst & Young
Can you ask someone to look into it.... I see a issue in framework itself. If you can assign the question to the concerned RMF Architect, may be he can answer.

Pegasystems Inc.
We have debugged the issue further and we now have a kind of possible solution.
We would provide the details in this week, after some minial verification from our side.
You can try to fix it in your ruleset / environment.
As you might already be aware that this is a prototype / collaboration tool, you can go ahead and customize it and also fix the issues as encountered.

Ernst & Young
Hi Chaitra,
I did debuged further and customized the code to provide fixes to the product in my own ruleset version and its is working now.
Note: There were 3 rules which has to be modified and I did .

Charles Schwab
Hi Tamada,
Greetings! This is Gopal from Schwab, working in COE as Enterprise Architect.
Could you let me know please what are the fixes to the product to correct this auto-migration issue for RMF? can we get those fixes pelase?
We are currently facing the same issue where it seems the https:// protocol seem to be not supported with RMF 7.1.9 while doing this auto migration of the product rule to the target system. I have to revalidate and check the same in 7.2 RMF. But if you could point me exactly what are the changes on the three rules, that would be great, I can review and fix it here .
Please let me know.
Thank you
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Thanks a lot Sai Tamada for sharing the resolution details.
Please find the steps performed by Sai Tamada to resolve the issue.
The below 3 rules are the one's which i modified.
"Save AS" Extract Rules as RMFExtarctRule to change from Obj-Open --> Obj-Browse as it was not pulling all the Product files which are not part of RMF application.
Called the right Extract Rule in the flow and also passed the right parameters to the Activity "ExtractRules"
Thanks a lot Sai Tamada for sharing the resolution details.
Please find the steps performed by Sai Tamada to resolve the issue.
The below 3 rules are the one's which i modified.
"Save AS" Extract Rules as RMFExtarctRule to change from Obj-Open --> Obj-Browse as it was not pulling all the Product files which are not part of RMF application.
Called the right Extract Rule in the flow and also passed the right parameters to the Activity "ExtractRules"
Under Step 6.2 make sure the pyZipFile is popuated correctly as this is used while downloading and Importing the file in our target system.