
Saltech Consulting
Last activity: 9 Oct 2018 5:31 EDT
Radio Button Issue in case of Dynamic Layout Group
I added a property with Radio Button control to a Dynamic Layout Group. It seems the Radio Button works only for the first section of the Dynamic Layout Group, all of the following sections seems to be disabled. If you click on one of the Radio Button in the following sections it will modify the position of the Radio Button in the first section. Probably there is a problem with the selector.
Check the GIF I attached about the issue.
Any idea about how to add Radio Button to a Dynamic Layout Group?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****
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I created a dummy model of the scenario using the following configuration.
1- Created a text property with a local list.
2. Referred that in a radio button in a section, and in a pagelist.
3. Used the section in a dynamic repeat layout.
It seems to be working correctly at my end.
Could you please provide more details regarding the configuration at your end.

Saltech Consulting
Thanks for your answer. In your sample you use dynamic repeat layout. The problem occur when you use Dynamic Layout Group. Could you check again?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Mate,
Thanks for posting query in PSC.
Please let us know which version of PRPC you are using. I guess this looks like similar case as below article.
Thanks & Regards,

Saltech Consulting
Hello Druga
I use PEGA 7.3. I suppose the root cause could be the same as the article you posted. But as i mentioned above the issue happened when you use Dynamic Layout Group and Radio Button. In that case only the first section will be active, all other sections seems to be disabled, but if you click one of them it will cange the property in the first question. Please take a look at the gif I attached to the article.

Pegasystems Inc.

Pegasystems Inc.
Please open a Support Request for the Hotfix mentioned above. When that is done, please come back and let us know the SR ID so that we may track it for you!

Quad Graphics
I'm in 7.4 and the problem still exists.
I asked for HFix and it contains rules that are in Pega-UIEngine : 07-10-32.
In 7.4 these rules are already in Pega-UIEngine : 07-10-35.
Is there a Hfix for 7.4?
Some details:

Pegasystems Inc.
This Hotfix caused some side-effects , so it's closed as Product enhancement and an User story is getting developed to fix this in possible upcoming release US-92255

Quad Graphics
I'm not sure I understand what means the upcoming release US-92255... does it mean there will be a HFix for 7.4 or it will be fixed in the next pega version? In other words how can I fix it in 7.4?
Michel Kraaij - van den Berg Srinivas Sarda Anil Kumar Nukathoti Visweswara Rao Lammata Sandeep Ghosh and 5 More

Pegasystems Inc.
It means that there will be no hotfix. It will be fixed in a future Pega version. You may follow up on this with your Pega Account Executive citing US-92255.

Quad Graphics
So in order to use fixed version I have to upgrade Pega version to let's say 8.1 or later? Or there will be another way to apply the fix for 7.4 but not through the HFix?