
Last activity: 12 Oct 2017 13:21 EDT
Question on Docusign integration
We are going to start working on Docusign integration but before that we started building a POC on this functionality using a demo id in Docusign site. I just simply created a sample flow with a sample PDF attachment after creating a case and called the smart shape for Docusign integration. Took care of all the necessary config changes for Docusign using those 3 DT's and all. Before running the flow, I ran the envelope specific DT to see REST API call to Docusign and was successful too. But the problem is like when I ran the flow I was getting request timeout exception in the envelope clipboard page and also an exception saying that Integrator key is disabled or some err is coming. Is this error or exception is due to that I am using demo id instead of production id in Docusign? Can someone pls help me on why I am getting the request timeout while sending the PDF from the flow?
Ravi Kumar Pisupati
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Accepted Solution

Axiom Technology Group
Hi Ravi,
Can you please check these two things.
1. The demo environment port used by docusign is 443(https) in your case. Please check if this is enabled.
2. Check if there is any firewall enabled on your network or network security which stops the requests. If a firewall is active on the network, please ask your IT/Admin to enable the port for your https communication. In your case it is TCP 443.
As you said this is a demo poc. You can host a local tunnel in your machine and make your url publicly available. It should work. Please let me know if you have any questions on this.

Pegasystems Inc.
you should provide the correct integrator key (under API & Keys ) which is added to your docusign account in the docusign site. Below articles are enough to understand the simple pdf flow.
May in know what is the demo id & production id in your flow? if possible attach the pegarules log.

Thank you for the reply. As mentioned in the PDN article, I followed all steps and here are the attached documents for your info. Feel free to check and let me know where I went wrong. By the way, I am using demo id and I am not sure whether any limitations for making a REST API calls.
Ravi Kumar Pisupati.
Bangarevva Kaladagi

Pegasystems Inc.
I have checked the logs. connection is refused by the target URL.
what is the pyconnect URL pointing in the docusign site and it should deploy on 443 port (for production)
The callback URL provided to Docusign cannot have a port number specified explicitly using ':' symbol. This means that Pega server URL has to use the default port, need to move Pega server to 80 if using http or 443 if using https.
Example: https://<Your domain>/prweb/PRRestService/DocuSignService/Services/pyConnect
reference: - refer General Connect-set up information.

Thank you for the reply. Here is the attached images to tell about the connection URL details from both Pega and Docusign. Feel free to correct me, if I miss anything. By the way, I am using Demo user id and PRD id is not yet setup.
Ravi Kumar.
Harika Bysani

When I ran the Connect-REST directly by passing the hard-coded values, I see the requestor timeout. Attached the screenshot. Also, when I ran the API method ->************************/envelopes I am seeing the below err.
When I ran the Connect-REST directly by passing the hard-coded values, I see the requestor timeout. Attached the screenshot. Also, when I ran the API method ->************************/envelopes I am seeing the below err.
Not sure where I am wrong.
Ravi Kumar.
Accepted Solution

Axiom Technology Group
Hi Ravi,
Can you please check these two things.
1. The demo environment port used by docusign is 443(https) in your case. Please check if this is enabled.
2. Check if there is any firewall enabled on your network or network security which stops the requests. If a firewall is active on the network, please ask your IT/Admin to enable the port for your https communication. In your case it is TCP 443.
As you said this is a demo poc. You can host a local tunnel in your machine and make your url publicly available. It should work. Please let me know if you have any questions on this.

Thank you Nizam. Looks like I am able to make a connection to Docusign with "localhost" instead of my app server.
Ravi Kumar

After research, what I came to know is like my company's firewall is stopping me to connect "" site by REST API call and due to that I have all the connection issues. After working with localhost:8080, I am able to send the email and the template created in docusign site.
Ravi Kumar.