
Lloyds Banking Group PLC
Last activity: 21 Jul 2022 11:01 EDT
Pega DocuSign Integration
I'm trying to Integrate DocuSign with Pega 8.6.1 hosted on AWS cloud. Followed all steps recommended by Pega using Basic authentication.
When I try to hit DocuSign - I get this error -
HTTP connect execution failure: https
Our Pega instance is NOT HTTPS.
Is it mandatory to have HTTPS? or is there any other thing I'm missing. Please help.
***Edited by Moderator: Pooja Gadige to add capability tag***
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Accepted Solution

Lloyds Banking Group PLC
@uashok93 Yes Ashok, We need to take user name from Settings --> Integration --> Apps and Keys --> User ID,
and password from User initials (Right top corner) --> Manage Profile --> Privacy and Security --> Additional Security --> App passwords --> Generate app password. With the above credentials, I managed to make a successful integration with DocuSign with 201 response.
Thanks for your time!

@VENKATESH GUDEENTI Hi, Greetings. Did you see what redirect URI is configured in your DocuSign App in DocuSign Account, either http or https?

Lloyds Banking Group PLC
@KOMARINA Hi Bharat, Appreciate your reply.
Redirect URI is blank in DocuSign. Do we need to configure this? If yes, what should it be exactly?

Lloyds Banking Group PLC
@KOMARINA configured redirect URI as per this format -
However, I get below exception - Caught unhandled exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: https |

@VENKATESH GUDEENTI Can you please remove https and use http in the redirect URI and also turn off TLS/SSL from service package of DocuSignService in Pega (see below)
Updated: 19 Jul 2022 15:24 EDT

Lloyds Banking Group PLC
@KOMARINA Alright, I managed to find the rootcause, The issue is with base url in pyDocusignBaseURL application setting. I changed the url from "" to "". Because, Pega is already having "https://" in resource path of connect rest rule(pxSendNewEnvelope).
with that - moved to next step. Now the latest error is - 401, One or both of Username and Password are invalid.
But, I'm sure credentials are correct and I'm able to login. :(

@VENKATESH GUDEENTI Can you please try this outside Pega via PostMan to connect to DocuSign API to post an envelope? error indicates it has to do with credentials, may be there is some space at the end which is causing this.
Venkatesh Gudeenti

Areteans Tech
@VENKATESH GUDEENTI Hi Venkatesh , I have tried Docusign Integration with Pega using Personal edition long back . Hope the steps are still the same. Please find the Document where I have documented the steps for Success Integration . Check if this helps

Lloyds Banking Group PLC
@uashok93 Hi Ashok, Appreciate your reply. May I know how did you get alphanumeric username to set in pySetEnvelopeCredentials. I'm currently using the docusign login email address as username.

Areteans Tech
@VENKATESH GUDEENTI Seems like Docusign has advanced a lot . Did you try to create a Developer account for Docusign . Beacuse Now only with Developer account we can actually create an API key .
Please create a developer account with this URL
Now go to Apps and Keys To find the Alphanumeric username and Key in the Page
Venkatesh Gudeenti
Accepted Solution

Lloyds Banking Group PLC
@uashok93 Yes Ashok, We need to take user name from Settings --> Integration --> Apps and Keys --> User ID,
and password from User initials (Right top corner) --> Manage Profile --> Privacy and Security --> Additional Security --> App passwords --> Generate app password. With the above credentials, I managed to make a successful integration with DocuSign with 201 response.
Thanks for your time!