
Last activity: 16 Jan 2024 13:13 EST
Question about PEGA Backup and Restore evidence
As a PEGA customer, our company considers PEGA a GxP system, meaning we must produce system documentation according the good practices that defines a GxP system.
As part of this documentation, we must document procedures on how Backup/Restores are performed and show proper evidences of that.
Would you kindly respond to the following questions so we can complete the system document and keep PEGA as a certified GxP system?
The questions are:
- What is the backup frequency?
- Are backups realised without major errors? Please provide a report.
- Is there any restoration test performed without failures on the backups? Please provide the last restoration test report.
- What is the test restoration frequency?
- Where is stored the backup?
Thank you
Nuno Castro