
Last activity: 15 Apr 2020 11:48 EDT
Query on Pega API - Refresh action details of the assignment
I have a question on ' Refresh action details of the assignment API'. Below is the list
1) What is the use of refresh for parameter and how can I use it?
USE CASE: I have screen with 2 fields Proeprty1 and Property2. Property2 should be visible when Property1 is not empty and Property1 has an on change event to refresh the section and call either a data transform or activity , in activity or data transform I am setting the property2 with some value and logging a message.
I am calling the /assignments/{ID}/actions/{actionID}/refresh API passing the request body as {"content": { "TestProperty":"value111" }} , I am getting the response with Property2 in JSON response but the value which was set in the refresh section activity of Proeprty1 is not set.
A) Does refresh section and corresponding activity or data transform gets called when calling this API?
B) How can I use the 'refresh for' parameter for this use case?
C) Is there any documentation on in depth details on how to use these API's?